Looking to the future


What do you see when you look towards the future? What do you envisage? Yes, I very much believe in the now and being present in this very moment, but if you allow yourself to think about the future in terms of positive change and progress - what do you see you can contribute with? If we put our minds towards it, we can all add something - big or small - to the evolving picture of life on this planet.

My husband is one of the founders of Template for Change, which is a group of exellent people, who individually and collectively explores what it means to establish templates for change, based on 7 essential world citizen mind-shifts. You can read more about that on their website.

On this blog I take the liberty of exploring what kind of mind-shifts I would propose in relation to our dear co-inhabitants... and what an exellent opportunity! It's so liberating to let your mind have a go and your feed-back contributes greatly towards the struggle for further refinement and future explorations.

Isn't this how constitutions, laws and entire belief systems come into practise? And if you see a need for a new way forward, why not be the one to propose it?!

Wishing you a mind-expanding weekend!

Image ©hubpages.com


Anna E said…
What a brilliant question. I often find it ungraspable what I can add in, but my immidiate answer would be: a warm smile, a caring thought, trying to do no harm.. So what would your answer be, if you don´t mind? Do you believe that thinking patterns alone can "change" the world, or is a visable result necessary, like a law of some kind? What are your hopes and dreams for the future, what would you want people to remember you by??

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