Tribute to a life

You can imagine the sense of sadness I felt when I found this cat skelleton in my garden the other day. The garden being on a rural Greek mountainside, there's a 99% chance that this cat died of hunger, illness, dehydration or the cold. It didn't look like a peaceful death scene and knowing the sure destiny of thousands and thousands of Greek cats, I wanted to make a mark. So I thought about it for a few days and this morning, when wondering where I should put a newly acquired catnip (a plant cats adore), it suddenly became clear that the cat skelleton should have a proper burial and that the catnip should be planted on top! So here's the before and after. It was a lovely little ceremony and a tribute to the life of the cat to which these bones belonged.

May it rest in peace.


Heart2Heart said…
I think this is perfect what you did. How sad that things must come to an end but I am sure that like God, you took something not so pleasant and made something much better!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Anna E said…
What a lovely transformation of a scene of death, caused by lack of care and nourishment, into a place of hope and purpose. It feels like this cat, and cats with the same destiny, are now being honoured, and perhaps their souls can finally rest in peace and comfort from the scent of the catnip. Beautifull...

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