Knowledge about the hearts of animals


I encourge you to pop over to Yes and Amen and have a read of a great story from everyday life. It's sure to add a bit of uplift and joy to your weekend. Loved it!!

Image © Junelle Jacobsen


Marg said…
Lots of doggies in that picture. We will go visit Yes and Amen. We love to meet new critters. Have a great week end.
Hi Marg - you won't be disappointed.
Thanks for popping by!
Love the little pups...I should have them write up some of their rescue stories, a totally amazing couple. Thanks!
Hi Junelle, that would make some wonderful stories. It's just so great whenever you hear about people like that. In this photo above it really struck me how it's almost a frogs perspective :-) - it's so intimate and totally in the dogs world... it's just such great photography.

Thanks for letting me share it!
Anna E said…
What a wonderful post at Yes and Amen, and an amazing photo! Gee, these dogs have a lot of "personality", look almost human! :-) Thanks for sharing and stay well :-)
Chill said…
Love the smile on that fellow!

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