Update on Tiny


Thanks so much to everyone for your sweet and loving prayers for Tiny. I'm quite overwhelmed at your kindness and truly moved that this little soul should matter to so many.  

As mentioned the weather turned bad, MUCH worse than anticipated. Not just a storm, but a hurricane with rain, hail, thunder and lightning and a wind chill factor well below zero for more than 36 hours in one straight row. I didn't sleep the first night because I could hear everything being thrown around outside and the wind was so strong that you could feel the brick walls vibrate with the worst gusts of wind. As you'll remember, I had created little shelters around the garden but I quite frankly wondered if they would still be there and intact the next morning. My only hope was one box under a covered terrasse that I had pinned down with heavy rocks. As you can imagine I couldn't wait for it to become light enough outside to go down and check on the little family.

I could barely open the door the next morning - the wind was that bad. But I made it down the hillside and found one squashed shelter under a semi-covered terrasse (actually the one they had initially taken to). I could see the one under the covered terrasse intact, but no sight of any kitties. I chose to just leave some food under the covered area, thinking that if they were (hopefully) around somewhere they would eventually smell the food. Just as I was about to leave mommy kittie appeared out of the box, looking rather disturbed and very startled. As this point I didn't dare disturb her more by looking into the box to see if the kittens might be there. I decided there was nothing for it but to open the door to a small appartment bedroom - the one attached to the covered terrasse. I removed all loose objects, covered the mattresses and left a small box stuffed with an old quilt and heavily secured a small opening in the door leading out to the covered terrasse. I left and hoped for the best... that they would discover it and not be scared off by the sense of confinement. 

Well, you can imagine how overjoyed and thrilled I was upon returning an hour later to find mommy kittie who rushed out to see who was approaching their new den - and two little kittens looking out from inside... YAY!!! It was evident though, that they were now very apprehensive about the sense of confinement and being cornered. So I quickly left some more food which they instantly went for as soon as I moved away.

As I went to sleep last night (still with hurricane-like gusts of wind) I felt thorroughly settled and warmed by the thougth of the little family tucked in and away from the horrid weather (and having had several meals!)

Today I spotted them happily playing inside (freezing cold outside) and they all came for their food. Tiny is a bit more timid than her brother, but she comes eventually. I'm happy to say that her 15 day antibiotic treatment came just in time to cure her before this change of weather. She had her last drops the same day as the hurricane started later in the day! She appears to be fine (no signs of coughing) and I hope and believe a warm shelter will have helped her recover completely. 

The above image is Tiny a few days before the hurricane. Doesn't she have a darling little face!?


Anonymous said…
I am very happy that all is well. No wonder, with this great care.
Wish you a nice third Advend.
sunshine said…
Great news, once again you've help those wonderful souls and I know more blessing are coming your way! Tiny looks a lot like my long lost cat Tica, I am very happy that she is doing great. Also thank God you and your husband are doing well after that storm, same for your house and the kitty family!!!
Anna E said…
Yes, Tiny looks absolutely irresistable and her heart must be SO warmed by all the loving care and attention. What a brilliant solution with the appartment den, it could be called The Sanctuary of Recovery and Care ;-) Keep safe! <3
Cosmic said…
Tiny is adorably-cute!

Take care:)

Thanks again Sunshine - I'm sure you must know a thing or two about surviving hurricanes (scary!). It was my turn to dream about you last night - we met, and it was full of such sweetness and human to human recognition. Hope it comes true some day.
Hi Cosmic
Nice to "see" you again!
Tak for dine søde ord Anna.
Thanks so much for your sweet comments.
People probably think I'm crazy, but I can't stand animals in distress and I think it's our human responsibility to do what we can to help.
K. said…
Congratulations! I hope the climate improves and the refuge remains. Fondness, Karin
Hello Karin,
Thanks for your greeting and so nice to see you again.
Tiny's face makes me smile!! It's so sweet and round :)

I'm so glad everyone seems to be ok. That's quite the storm!
*maren* said…
Thank you for following my Blog "marenshus" and i am very happy to found yours this way...

lots of greetings and all the best!

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