Twinkle, come find me...


It's been a busy week with a new addition to the growing tribe (no, I'm not looking for more, but this one was in need of urgent help for sure - more about that later). But  for now I just wanted to share a few more images from the weekend where Emma and Twinkle were so excited about having taken their friendship to a new level. Caught these two in an exhilarated round of  hide and seek. Aren't their facial expressions just priceless?!


Reena said…
I love these little guys! Why do cats so love boxes????
Marilia said…
Hahahah! Lovely sequence!
Marg said…
Those are such terrific pictures. Those two are so darn cute. What fun they were having playing that game. Take care.
Jans Funny Farm said…
We stopped by to catch up on your posts. Looks like those two have become good friends.
sunshine said…
I love those pictures, I bet it was so much fun to see them playing. Have a great weekend :)
Dearest Joan,

Oh, kittens are crazy about boxes! They love their sound I guess, when they pound on them. And it doesn't hurt their paws in any way. Great toys and rather in-expensive.

Lots of love,

Catherine said…
Couldn't you just watch kittens at play all day? Goodness ~ how do you get anything done? Just too cute for words!
xo Catherine
Anna E said…
Iiiiih, jeg kan mærke den kildrende fornemmelse i maven (ved at se på billederne)ved at have gemt sig og håbe på, man ikke bliver fundet ;-) Så sent som sidste weekend, hvor vi var ved Avnø (et par billeder på LBS derfra)legede jeg skjul med Selma, og først var der spændingen og håbet om ikke at blive fundet. Men efter lidt tid var det jo kedeligt at sidde der bag en busk alene og skøøønt at blive fundet alligevel! Som om man er helt alene, når man er gemt og pludselig igen "eksisterer" og bliver set, når man bliver fundet. Ligesom det er småbørns yndlingsleg ("borte - tit-tit"). Skønne billeder! God weekend :-))
Anna E said…
Isn´t it an amazing feeling to hide - and then be found? Lovely to see and hear about their new level of friendship, their company is really priceless :-))
Crafting Queen said…
Adorable photos, they look so happy playing together. :)
MarkD60 said…
Well, their facial expressions are priceless in all the pics except the last one, the double buttshot!
May your human be greatly blessed for what she does for you darlings. xxxxxxxxxx
Julia Williams said…
There is no finer "cat toy" than a cardboard box!! These two are adorable, and look like they are really having fun.
Dearest Joan,

About your note about your parcel, I will let you know right away when it arrives. But please, don't worry about it too much.
Enjoy your precious feline toddlers!!! So fun to come back to these pictures. The best time is at this stage and later they never will be as playful again. Photos and or videos are therefore precious.

Lots of love,

Little Wren said…
Love this series of pictures! They are oblivious to everything but the fun they're having together. That is truly special!

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