16 days

I know I've posted a lot about this girl recently but she has taken up a lot of my time. I'm thrilled at her progress and she is now firmly on a road of recovery and she is full of beans, courage and life-appetite. She promptly joins the bigger cats for meals and is not shy to tell me when I don't deliver it fast enough! (that's when she is having wet food - her absolute favorite). She has access to dry food all the time and eats very well and now drinks regularly, another yay! Only a few days ago she started preening herself rigorously - as if she felt she had a lot to catch up with.
She loves her toys - above she is clawing a toy mouse and she is at last having the energy to do what a little kitten should be doing... play, play and some more play (remember, she could barely walk from weakness the first day I spotted her!). It was only on day 12 she stopped sleeping and resting around the clock - imagine the sheer level of exhaustion she must have felt.
Anyhow... just another little report of her splendid progress - it's truly delightful.
I ♥ Rosie!
xo Catherine
We just love the turnaround and it shows you so clearly how some love, nourishment and medical attention can be the difference of life and near to death as one could be. Bless you!
Wow, we just got back from a day shopping in Atlanta, filling up our pantry with health food... First thing I spotted on my sidebar was little Rosie so I had to read this first.
What great news. For the very first time ever she can play, she can be happy and sleep tight, eat and drink well. What a milestone for this little catgirl! And what a thrill it must be for you, after all you tried and went through. This gives hope.
Lots of love,
This post brought me to tears, tears of joy!
I'm so happy to see the positive change for this little girl just had in the past few weeks, and you made it possible! Certainly you have a great soul.
And I already made the swap card, took some pictures and it is on its way to UK, I hope my swap partner likes it. Thanks for let me know about this, I'm enjoying it so much.
Have a super wonderful day my friend, I send you a warm hug.
Laura =)
Cats are the best!
Get that scritching post, Rosie. Show it whose boss.