Queen of Purrs

Today Noona was laid to rest. She went to the Rainbow Bridge last night. Noona spent 6 days at the vet whilst we waited for all test results to come back (the lab sample disappeared with the courier post among the Greek crisis chaos and had to be redone). By then we had to make the tough decision whether to bring Noona back home - we knew it would be a matter of days only. We felt though that Noona was telling us she wanted to come back home (remember she'd been in isolation for 4 weeks by the time she got ill). She wanted to be able to say farewell to her HOME. Like with Lilly... her safety - her refuge. It was a quick decision, Noona was coming with us. 

She instantly nestled into layers of a duvet and woolen blankets (she always loved hiding and snuggling under a blanket or a duvet). She was brough back to the little room where she initially started her journey with us 8 months ago - content, in no pain and purring loudly. Her distinct trademark... loud purr. This girl was SO happy to be home.  

In her remaining days we arranged small supervised walks in the garden with her (she wasn't allowed to do her toilet) - and there is no doubt being back in the garden just completed her. Once again she was allowed to quietly sit on a rock and enjoy warm rays of sunshine. She knew these were her last days and she radiated such contentment, gratitude and happiness - right till the end. Whenever we were with her she purred non-stop. Often throughout her time with us we would hear a loud constant purr... it would always be Noona who just sat and glowed at all the happiness all the cats were having and experiencing together. She was The Queen of Purrs. Noona knew she had been given a second chance in life and she lived and loved it to the full. There was absolutely no sense of regret from her - even though she only lived for 1 1/2 - 2 years. Things were complete with Noona.

During her last days she was in no pain and we agreed she would give us the sign if she needed our help to go. She'd been eating very little for 9 days (nothing the last two days) and her organs eventually began to shut down. During the last hour she had a brief bout of shaking and I knew it was the sign to ask for the vet to come. We were so moved to feel the vets resistance to put her down. He'd help treat her for her extreme case of mammary hyperplasia (how we found her) and was amazed at her incredible recovery. She'd become SO beautiful. He too just felt this was such a shame - but there really was no more we could do for Noona. She was no doubt more content than the lot of us. I feel so blessed to have had the privilege to rescue Noona from the pitiful state we found her. Here's just a recap of her incredibly recovery - these images really do speak for themselves.

 - and after her incredibly recovery in the company of one of her great friends.

Rest in peace my beautiful girl.

P.s. The top images of Noona gazing across the valley mirrors my last images of Lilly - all of them taken the same day.


Madame said…
Det er meget gribende at læse om dit fællesskab med dine dyr, Joan, og jeg ønsker for dig, at du ikke må miste flere af sygdom.

Og dette skriver jeg helt ude på kanten af en stol, mens min dejlige Miss Mis ligger og spinder bagved. Ha en rigtig god weekend,
klem fra Gitte
Deb said…
Bless her heart and yours. Rest in Peace, beautiful girl. Hugs, Deb
The Cat Guy said…
What a beautiful kitty - thank you for sharing her with us and for giving her a chance at a wonderful life. You have a kind heart.
I can't hold back the tears, I am so deeply, deeply sorry. May Angel Noona protect you forever...I am certain she will.
My deepest sympathy and love,
Elizabeth said…
Such a moving story and those lovely photographs of Noona almost say it all. You rescued her and she was grateful for the life you gave her - bless her and bless you for doing what you do. Elizabeth
MarkD60 said…
Sorry you lost your cat. It must be heartbreaking. You gave her some happy days.
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. You gave Noona a loving home and comfort, and she knew she was loved.
Catherine said…
Enjoy running in the green grass and chasing butterflies sweet Noona! We know you are happy and having the time of your life ~ healthy and free!

Sending you big hugs Joan!
xo Catherine
Reena said…
Oh Noona ... run free and sleep in warm sun puddles! We will miss you sweet girl.
Dearest Joan,

Sorry that I only now find this post, did reply to your email but had not read this. We were away for the evening. I cried when I read this. We too rescued one girl, from behind the restaurant where she'd dug for grease in the dumpster. Pieter picked her up and she never hissed or did anything. We took her home and she purred, purred and talked for joy. I took this cat with me in the shower to get rid of her grease odor and all was fine with her. We had her spayed and than one Sunday morning I found her on the lawn when we drove to Church. She lay there and when I ran out of the car and picked her up, one eye had popped out from a car's blow to her head. Poor girl she only was with us for 3 months... But she purred non-stop as if to thank us for rescuing her. Guess Noona was the same. They have that special 6th sense and can read our souls so well. So glad she lived a brief but happy life with you. Also great that she could die in peace in her own home and comfort...

Love and a tight hug!

Dear Joan,
this is certainly a long bad periode in your life as cat mom. To let so many friends go is hard. I hope this disease will end soon and your furry friends will be safe then. I am so sorry that it ends so unhappy for dainty Noona. But her purring is for me a sign, they know already, that the dead is not the end.
Hugs to you, Johanna
Marg said…
Oh Joan, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I am sitting here crying my eyes out. I just can't believe that all this is going on at your house. We sure send you tons and tons of purrs and some gigantic hugs. Noona sure did know what love was before she left you. We are just glad that you found her and helped her so much to enjoy what little life that she had. You sure will be in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.
Cornelia said…
A tale for Lilly and Noona,

When God made the world, she chose to put animals in it, and decided to give each whatever the animal wanted. All the animals formed a long line before her throne, and the cat quietly went to the end of the line. To the elephant and the bear she gave strength, to the rabbit and the deer, gentleness; to the owl, the ability to see at night, to the birds and the butterflies, beauty; to the insects, great energy; to the fox, cunning; to the monkey, intelligence; to the dog, loyalty; to the lion, kingship; to the fish, playfulness. And all these were things the animals begged of God. At last God came to the end of the line, and there sat the little cat, waiting patiently and God saw the cat's patience and asked "Now, what will YOU have?"

The cat shrugged modestly. "Oh, whatever scraps you have left over. I don't mind."

"But I'm God. I have everything left over."

"Then I'll have a little of everything, please."

And God gave a great shout of laughter at how intelligent this animal was, and gave the cat everything she asked for, adding grace and elegance and, only for her, a gentle purr that would for ever express sincerly and delicately her great love of patience and kindness. And instantly as well, God took the cat's modesty away and added a bit more to her great beauty.
Daisy said…
I am so sorry for the loss of Noona. For some reason, she really touched my heart. I am so glad you rescued her so she could know love and happiness in her life. Rest in peace, beautiful Noona. You were loved.
Anna E said…
Det er smerteligt at vide, at du også måtte sige farvel til denne smukke pige... og jeg ved dit hjerte må være i sorg nu - igen. Men der er en (trods alt) stor dybde og skønhed ved den måde, du beskriver jeres sidste dage sammen. Det er så rørende at føle Noonas glæde og taknemmelighed og afklarethed. Og det kan lære os en lektie om, hvordan vi selv som mennesker kan leve livet som om hver dag var den sidste. Med glæde over de gaver, som er blevet os givet, og med vished om, at vi bliver holdt af og holdt om af noget mægtigere end os selv.

It is painful to know, that you had to say goodbye to this beautiful girl as well ... and I know your heart is filled with grief - again.
However, there is a great depth and beauty in the way you describe your last days together. It is so touching to feel Noonas happyness and gratefulness and clarity. It teaches me a lesson about how we as humans can learn to live each day as if it were the last one. With appreciation of the gifts, we have been given. And with the knowing that we are cared for and embraced by something mightier than ourselves.

May Noona rest in peace, and may your life be filled with blessings for your neverending love and care towards those precious Gods Little People...
Anna E
TexWisGirl said…
oh, i am sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend! she sounds like she was a fighter, and you gave her all the chances you could...

i wanted to thank you for coming by and commenting on my anti-word verification post. did you know that you have word verification on your blog?!
Becca said…
Oh Noona, you will be missed! So sorry for your loss.
Dear Noona
Our Mom's heart is breaking and her eyes are filled with tears. A life cut short is hard for humans to understand. We are all so grateful you were given a second chance and that in those few short months you were content happy and serene. Your little life will be forever cherished by those who loved you. Shine bright in the night skies little one and wait by the Rainbow Bridge for those of us who will follow you in our time.

Crafting Queen said…
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet angel. My heart goes out to you.
Blue Lavender said…
My sweet friend Joan:
This is very sad to know, I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm sure Noona will be remember for ever, and you will always keep her in your heart.
Send you a big hug, my friend
Lots of love to you
Old Kitty said…
Oh I am so sorry. :-( Beautiful Noona was a brave courageous and amazing girl! Thank you for looking after her and filling the last part of her life with tender loving care.

hugs, x
So sorry to have missed your sad news this week as I have been ill with a bad cold and only now have been able to read up on your news. I am grateful and sad at the same time....life is so hard for us sometimes, and especially for you at the moment with the loss of Lily and now Noona.. my heart breaks for you...I have my purring tortoiseshell cat Thomasina on my shoulder while I type this,- blogging is very much impossible without her assistance- and wish I could send you loads of strenght to get through these hard times...consider youself hugged ..XOXOXO Bea
I am so sorry for your loss of Noona. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thank you for doing all you did for her.
Anonymous said…
Such a beautiful girl! I know she was a favorite and I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with her. But you blessed each other's lives and ours, too, because you shared the story. Thank you! I'm grateful she was able to go peacefully, surrounded by your love.
505whimsygirl said…
Hi Joan,

What a lovely post on such a difficult thing. While reading it I could just hear Noona purring away. What a special gift she shared with you. I hope others in the colony are doing well.

Cat said…
Oh Joan, please forgive me for not writing sooner, I was out of town for a few days with limited access to internet. I knew I would read this post eventually but still my tears flow that beautiful Noona has left you. Such a brave and special little girl, I know we will not forget her! Sending hugs and heartfelt condolences....
Crafting Queen said…
blog award on my blog for you. HOpe things are improving with the cats.
Julia Williams said…
What a lovely tribute to a special soul.

Rest in Peace, beautiful Noona.
Joan, have been trying to send you an email without success for 3 days. Cat told us about Noona and thought you might like to have her included in our pet memorial blog, www.ourrainbowfriends.blogspot.com. Please take a look at the blog and send us an email, if you can, if you're interested.
Jans Funny Farm said…
Lovely photos of Noona enjoying the view and fresh air. Very sorry for her loss. Pawhugs.

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