A little micro cosmos...

Today I am caused to take a little detour in my writing...

For some days now we've been blessed with the most balmy weather. Sun, golden light, warmth, no wind, quiet... These are the kind of days where I love to grab a mug of coffee and my camera and just sit in the garden with the cats and bask in our blessings. Reflecting, among other things, on just how grateful I feel about being able to offer these cats a refuge, a place to heal, love in overspill and a safe place for them to grow and live. Allowing all their wonderful and eachly unique essences to bloom... so unbelievably enrichening to witness.

As we sit there in the garden I'm sometimes caused to think of the little souls we lost. In my mind I sometimes relive the heartache and the wrenching feelings you get when you know it's out of your control whether they live or not. On some of these occasions where I have found myself praying so intently to the Gods for some miracle that will let them live - I've been caused to think; But why this little cat? - when I know some deserving human/s - or a little child - are fighting for their lives somewhere in the world and doesn't make it.

This mornings thought are caused by waking up to the news of the the Indien girl "Damini" dying. The one that recently suffered the most horrendous humanly atrocious attack in Dehli. For days my husband and I have been praying for her healing and recovery. It was devastating to wake up to this, well sad doesn't convey the feeling, news of her passing. India will no doubt be in an outpour of fury and revenge. Revenge is a very understandable feeling, but like Gandhi said; "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

So where does one go to in oneself to find a sense of understanding and relegation of raw emotions? I try (as much as humanly possible) to find understanding with a third vector - a position that buffers or creates insulation between dualisms - eg. crimes vs punishment/revenge. In a simple way (it's in danger of almost sounding kliche) it caused me to think of the level of acceptance we each individually permit in our lives and space. It must start with that kind of self leadership. What kind of behavior we won't allow in ourselves - and what we won't allow in the spaces we occupy.

Then I return to our little micro cosmos... a place where we try to uphold a level of human standard and decency. Does that sound too simple?? To me that seems like it has become the extraordinary in this world. 

To "Damini" - may God have mercy on your beautiful soul. May the world see the change your spirit came here to deliver. 


Marie said…
Lovely!!!!!!!! Polla filakia!!! Happy holidays!!!
Annuk said…
Dearest Joan,
THANK YOU for this true gem of a post!!! THANK YOU for this little, precious gift which touched my heart beyond words... THANK YOU for the warmth I feel in my heart right now (mixed with a few tears)... THANK YOU for showing these amazing little souls in their little safe microcosm... If only there were more "micro cosms" like this! Each and every little microcosm where "a level of human standard and decency" are granted makes a HUGE difference and is a precious star in the Universe!!!

Wishing you and all your wonderful furry babies a wonderful New Year ahead!!!
With love and purrs,
Anna & Zoe
Jane and Chris said…
God bless our microcosms...but we all know that He already has.
Jane x
Heather said…
Absolutely beautiful and heartfelt post, along with lovely pictures! You have indeed touched on something most people do not even think about... wishing you and yours all the best in 2013 and may all your fur babies be blessed with your continued love for them! Hugs.
Julia Williams said…
This is such a beautiful post. Whether human or animal, we can't save them all no matter how much we hope and pray. But to be able to make a difference in those in your little corner of the world is truly extraordinary. Each microcosm makes a difference to the world overall. Think what it would be like if no one cared, if no one did what they, individually, could. I want to do more, and every day I imagine my dream coming true, and my cat sanctuary becoming a reality. Until it does, I'm grateful for souls like you.

And I also want to say, that first photo is the spitting image of my cat Rocky!!! Truly, it could be his long lost twin.
Deb said…
Thank you for sharing your inner-most feelings. I, too, am so saddened at this innocent girls' death. As a mother, I imagine it being my daughter and I can feel the pain her mother is suffering right now. It is indescribable. God bless her. I don't know what will come of this but I can pray. Thank you Joan for helping so many of these beautiful cats. Your kindness brings tears to my eyes. Hugs, Deb
Anna E said…
To me this post was most chocking and frightening to read; I did not know the story of "Damini", but after reading it, I just could not compute where humanity had gone!? Why did noone in the bus stop it, and why does noone care? I know demonstations is not a solution at the "core" level, but I´m so glad people react and make a mark against those devastating actions! I see the third vector line in your post, and no, it is not too simple, and yes, I totally agree. Like the composer Jonathan Ofir wrote in a song about Forgiveness: "An eye for an eye and we´ll both be blind, an eye for an eye and we´re dead - What good is honour and retaliation, if we destroy our own Creation?"
So the point I´m trying to make is, that yes, we can all help to make the world a better place. And you - and probably all the readers here - already are. And that is SO needed, so we can send our daughters out in the world without fearing that they´ll end up like Damini. Or that our animals will get poisoned or mistreated because people don´t care.
So thank you for this "wake-up" post - and let´s (continue to) make a change in 2013...!!!
don't make yourself sad with too much reflection but bask in the joy of YOU and what IS
Anonymous said…
A beautifully writtne post. One of gladness for your ability to help the cats that are now in your care. And the other of sadness for a life that should not have been lost in a horrific crime. It is not within my grasp to fathom how in this day and age something such as this can happen and there was no one that would stop the brutal attack.

Someone earlier commented to live in the joy of what is or something to that effect. It still does not take away the deep feelings that we have for a lost life- be it human or animal.

I really like your blog and I have no idea if I found you or how I found you. But our love for cats is the same but we have each received our little creatures in a different way. I acquired mine as feral and trapped them to save as many as I could and almost all of the rest foound their way to me. I have spent my own money. I am not rich buy any stretch of the imagination. I have a decent retirement check, I have small pharmacuy of meds and sometimes I can get by without a vet.

It is an honor to have found your blog. Now I wish that I had used Google + for I see large pics of the cats and I can not do that on my blog. There might be a way but WordPress continues to change- and I have not found a way to post large photos. I like the looks of your blog. Your camera skills are very good.

To Caren, thank you for your comment. Whilst I do understand where you come from I have to tell you that I do get a little sad sometimes because I see a LOT of suffering but I never I allow myself to uselessly dwell in the emotion of sadness. I always try to take the feelings of sadness and let them propel me to do more good in this world. Because of sadness I also know SUCH joy that my heart can hardly contain it. I let my sadness serve a purpose in this world.
Dearest Joan,
It is hard at times to reflect on all of life's raw emotions... But it gives us relieve to see those fur babies we care for, being sheltered and loved. That makes them calm, healthy and strong. This should be copied by all humans for creating a better world with true PEACE!
Hugs to you both and thanks for all the care over 2012. You never mention your own health but stand by for so many little creatures.
Anonymous said…
I think our individual actions contribute to the energy in the world. The work you are doing definitely contributes LOVE and that's all any of us can do, is to do the best we can within our own little worlds, and those actions will filter out into the rest of the world. Hugs to you and prayers for that poor girl's family.
Crafting Queen said…
Wishing you and all the furry babbies a Happy New Year. Thanks for sharing all those lovely photos. Great to see the cats enjoying the lovely weather. Lots of hugs Anesha and Skipper.
Marg said…
Fantastic post and just the way I feel when I sit outside with all my kitties gathered around. It is sooooo peaceful and I am so thankful I could save the few that I did.
That is so sad about that girl dying. I didn't realize that she had died.
We did get a card from Greece and thank you very much. That is a great looking painting that you did. Hope all the animals remain in good health and have a Happy New Year.
Dear Joan,
there is so much sadness in the world. What a luck, we don't know everything. You are right, the beginning is always in the own micro cosmos. And when it is true, that we go after the death to God, its not so hard anymore to loose friends, may they be persons or animals. May be, God decided to take them to his heaven. I wish you, your husband and all fur babies a wonderful New Year with health, luck and success.
Hugs and greetings, Johanna
Yes , indeed.The answer to hate is certainly not hate.I hope you will continue to thrive and to bless every creature around you.xxx Bea
Catherine said…
This is a beautiful post my friend. I know it's hard not to get caught up in all the sadness in the world but you have done so much good that you have to focus on that. It is the little rays of sunshine that helps keep those dark thoughts out of our hearts.

Sending you much love and many good thoughts for a beautiful New Year for you and your family and all those sweet kitties!

xo Catherine
Reena said…
Wonderful acknowledgement of a horrific act. I too was greatly saddened to hear of her death. I never understand such evil and hatred to other human beings nor to our earth's creatures. The work you do helps counter balance and puts the world right again. Thank you for all you do. Have a great and prosperous new year.
Cornelia said…
Very sad for any crimes against humanity and planet earth's fauna and flora. I hope 2013 will bring to the planet new intelligence so we all 7 billion to discover new ways and feel and think and act from a common foundament which will support kindness, patience and care, saying a definite NO to any crime. I hope for the best to happen for all. I hope that the past to be seen for what it is - a great source of understanding and learning what NOT to do, what not to be like.

Your deeds and experiences come from "the other side" - from how the world is meant to be like, meant to cause feelings in humans and animals and plants. Micro cosmos with big wings of care, kindness, compassion and patience and hope and more with tingeling heart for Creation.
MarkD60 said…
Great post. great photos.
I remember in grade school, when we hit 3 billion people on earth...

What a wonderful post. The pictures are beautiful and the kitties looks so happy and healthy and that is all due to your work.

Thank you for everything you do.

I hope the new year has great things in store for you.

Happy New Year.
Marilia said…
Have a delicious New Year!
purpleleath said…
My dear Joan, once again thank you for the love in your heart, which embraces all of the creatures in this world. How could you not feel sadness when there is so much injustice around us? Indifference is so much worse than any other feeling, because caring is what makes us humans... Happy New Year!!! God bless you and your entire family!!! Lots of love, Maria, Micra, Rita & Sophie
Beutiful written post <3
Me too are glad we have our micor cosmos , when there is to much bad thing´s going on out in the BIG world.
Love the cats! So cute!
The Darjeeling Darlings
The amazing sad and good stories of your Greece cats goes on and on..Waauw, what many stories! So special from the blind cat, how did she survive alone??? Seems impossible for me. Till you came!I wish you the very best for you and your husband for the new year 2013. From a cold freezing Holland! kind regards mieke
Gina Gao said…
These cats are so cute!


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