A happy beginning...
It was blissful happiness all over when these cutie pies were rescued back in October 2013. You probably remember their miserable start to life - they were discarded by the dumpster just 3 weeks old. But sadness turned to delight when Rebecca agreed to take them on and they were rescued just in time. The day after they were rescued we had a torrential rainfall that lasted for 24 hours and it literally washed things away. They would not have survived abandoned in nature during this rainfall.
But they were brought to safety and have thrived on love and affection and they have now grown into the most stunning ginger girls. Unfortunately some of their luck is running out as Rebecca will be leaving in 12 days (and unfortunately can't take them with her).
When she leaves I will take charge again for a while but my Greek home is full to the brim already and I have no choice but to let these beauties roam free among our other Greek cats. They will no longer have their own home and 'their own special person' so to speak. They are extremely affectionate and very much rely on love and cuddles - so unfortunately, as it happens, some of this will fade when they don't any longer live with a person to look after them. We are therefore desperately looking for an adoptive home or homes for them. I will be there to feed them and have some contact with them, but it will no longer be the same life for them with 'their person' gone.
As some of you know, I have already posted on Facebook about their adoption. They are approx. 8 months old and they have had their vaccinations. Honeysuckle (the 'café-latte' colored kitty to the right in this image above) also has her rabies vaccination and microchip so she is ready to go anywhere in the world. The other two, Buttercup and Daisy will also be prepared for travel and it's preferred that the these two stay together as they very much rely on each other for comfort. If anyone can offer a home to the 3 girls together, all the better.
I know I have already asked you to share many times, but if you will please once again share for the sake of these girls, I would be most grateful. I have compiled all their photos on Flickr - please have a look HERE.
P.s. Skipper from my last post is still looking for a home.
I'm purrin' up a storm that they find a forever home soon. Skipper, too!
Oh, let it be possible that they can continue their life with love from a caring person...
Wishing you all the best of luck for all!
xo Catherine
Gosh they have become real beauties. I wished very much that I could take them or at least honeysuckle, but I guess our tomcat wouldn't think it great... he doesn't like other cats. And my hubby thinks one is enough. I'll try to spread the word and keep my fingers crossed that they find a beloved home.
Take care
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شركه تنظيف منازل بالدمام
قد يتغاضى الكثير من الأشخاص من التعرض لتسربات المياه في الجدران وأسطح المنازل، وقد تكون هذه من أكثر المشاكل التي قد تسبب تلف الجدران وتساقط الدهانات، ومن هنا يأتي دور شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة، التي تقوم بالكشف عن تسربات المياه من خلال استخدام أحدث الآلات والمعدات التي تساعد في الكشف عن تسربات المياه بكل سهولة، دون القيام بالتكسير أو التخريب للجدران، فلا داعي للقلق بعد اليوم بشأن هذه المشكلة اتصل بنا واترك تلك المهمة علينا.
Types of Insectst
What a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion! Their journey from abandonment to happiness is truly inspiring. Need to clear out any old structures or make room for new beginnings? Reach out to emergency demolition contractors in Edmonton for efficient assistance.